Join Dr. Johnston in a series of group visits for moms and babies to talk about common issues and concerns that arise during this time. Some topics that will be discussed will be Breastfeeding, parenting issues, sleep and starting solids. Most babies are around 2 weeks to 2 months old at the first group. This is a great opportunity to spend some extra time with one of our Grow doctors and get together with moms and babies of similar ages to talk about issues you are all dealing with. The series will run once every four weeks on a Wed afternoon: April 13, May 11, June 8 and July 6.
This session will be held at Saanich Neighbourhood House (just inside Pearkes Rec Centre behind Tillicum Mall). Take an immediate left upon entering Pearkes, through the double doors and down to the end of the hall on the right. We will be meeting in the Board Room.
Please sign up for all four sessions at